Professional artists & Community

Artists may select 1-3 of our GUEST ARTIST WORKSHOPS to opt into.

$20 each

Workshops include

Saturday 7/25 12:30 - 2pm - Workshop with Poet & Activist Rajnii Eddins (Part 1 of 2)

Monday 7/27 12:30- 2pm - Exploring Boundaries within the creative process.  Clarise Fearn

Tuesday 7/28 12:30-2:00pm - Finding Your Intention as an Activist. Guest Artists Niamh O’Connor and Chiara Hollender

Wednesday 7/29 12:30- 2pm - The Five Adjective Process: Discovering Type.   Guest Artist Michael Patrick Trimm

Thursday 7/30 12:30 - 2pm - Mindful Sense Memory.    Guest Artist Alex Hudson

Saturday 8/1 12:30- 2pm - Workshop with Poet & Activist Rajnii Eddins (Part 2 of 2)

workshop discriptions

Workshop with Poet & Activist Rajnii Eddins

Saturday, July 25th, 12:30-2pm & Saturday, August 1, 12:30-2:00

(Audit Only)

In this workshop you will observe Rajnii as he guides our senior students through journaling, collaborative exercises, and community brainstorming, to use their voices to seek justice and develop their identity as an anti-racist citizens.

Exploring Boundaries within the creative process.   Guest Artist Clarise Fearn

Monday, July 27, 12:30- 2pm

In this circle, Clarise will lead artists through a series of journaling questions to help them explore their personal values around creativity and help them to set healthy boundaries in order to protect those values. This is not about PUSHING boundaries, but rather learning how to set them so that we can all feel safe and thrive within our creative process. 

Finding Your Intention as an Activist. Guest Artists Niamh O’Connor and Chiara Hollender

Tuesday, July 28, 12:30 -2pm

In this class we will offer tools to access one’s individual voice in order to advocate for our communities in a way that affects transformation. The great ‘social change’ is a tall order, we will take space to assess the areas of each students’ fervor and use the voice to campaign for a better world. 

The Five Adjective Process: Discovering Type.   Guest Artist Michael Patrick Trimm

Wednesday, July 29, 12:30-2:00

5AP is an innovative way of coaching actors on the subject of type. Through reflection, discussion, and refinement of language 5AP puts an emphasis on actors inner energy and personality traits rather than appearance.  By utilizing 5AP, actors can reclaim their type seeing it as a point of confidence rather than a reason for fear.

Mindful Sense Memory.    Guest Artist Alex Hudson

Thursday, July 29, 12:30- 2pm

In this course we will practice both silent meditation and dynamic creative self-expression. Contemplative practices and expressive practices elevate and enhance one another. Applying both can quiet the mind, generate peace, and inspire insight, connection and creativity. Through meditation, sense memory activities, journaling, movement, and improvisation we will create performance pieces. This work is designed to raise your spirits, create community, inspire self-reflection, expand awareness, enhance your mindfulness practice and develop craft and calm to become a better performer and leader.