Join us for our spring semester of classes and performances!

  • Acting Scene Study

    In this class, actors will have the opportunity to sharpen their skills and harness their craft. The Scene Study and Craft class will provide an environment for artists to work from a deeply truthful place and explore their imagination freely with spontaneity and curiosity. Actors will develop their process by taking risks, deepening their character work, connecting with movement, and exploring their inner life more intentionally.




    Tuesdays January 24th- April 18th (February 28th off).


    6:00- 7:30 pm

    Cost: $250

  • Show Choir

    Musical Theater is a super-art form, bringing together all three of the major performing arts (dance, theater, and music.) Where lessons (dance, voice, acting, etc) focus on building specific skills, Show Choir will focus on the synthesis of skills. We provide a cumulative sequence of creative experiences that nourish a student’s continuous growth in dance, music, and acting, teach them how to apply their growing skills, and inspire them to reach their highest potential in performance.


    Saturdays January 21st- April 22th (3/4 & 4/29 off).


    Ages 11-14: 12:45-2:30

    Ages 15-18: 2:30-4:45

    Cost: $300

    Performances will be held on May 5 & 6 with tickets by donation at the door.